
what does a brain aneurysm feel like

Aneurysm is the inflammation   of the blood vessel wall in the particular arteries. Swelling what does a brain aneurysm feel like and dilation of blood vessels causes weaken over time and can break.

The most common causes are aneurysms, uncontrolled hypertension what does a brain aneurysm feel like  and atherosclerosis birth defects (growth of fatty deposits in the arteries).

 Aneurysm is usually classified by the shape, size and location of the Ardennes. It is more common in the arteries in the brain stem called the brain or an aneurysm of the aorta and arteries called aneurysm of the abdominal aorta what does a brain aneurysm feel like .

 Although aneurysms can occur at any age is seen more frequently in adults than in children. Women are also slightly more sensitive than men in this regard.

Aortic aneurysms

Aorta is the main artery that what does a brain aneurysm feel like supplies blood from the heart to the body. Aneurysm may develop in any part of the aorta, but is most often found in the abdominal aorta below the renal region. Most aneurysms actually start on the road to the abdominal aorta extends the time until the iliac arteries. It can occur in the chest near the heart and (thoracic aortic aneurysm). 

The aortic aneurysm usually has no symptoms. Mild to moderate symptoms of the aneurysm can sometimes see if. Pain in the affected area is a common symptom.

 One of the main causes of aortic aneurysm is smoking. Smokers over 60 years of age appear to have atherosclerosis. He must be stopped immediately because it increases the risk of enlargement of the aneurysm.


To treat an aortic aneurysm is conducted a procedure known as the stenting.

what does a brain aneurysm feel like  After identification of the packaging position, what does a brain aneurysm feel like ,an X-ray guided polyester tube (stent) is passed through a small incision in the leg resulting in the aorta.

 Now, instead of blood flow through the damaged artery flow through the stent-graft and eliminates the risk of rupture.

Cerebral aneurysm:

what does a brain aneurysm feel like usually comes in the brainstem where larger arteries are combined. This area is known as a circle of Willis. The causes of cerebral aneurysm are genetic disorders in general, including connective tissue disease, polycystic kidney disease or circulatory disorder what does a brain aneurysm feel like .

 Patient with cerebral aneurysm may find you have symptoms such as sore excruciating head, vision problems, thought and decrease the level of concentration, slurred speech and perception, pain in the neck or eyes and fatigue late.


Cutting methods and embolization what does a brain aneurysm feel like of the surgical coil are usually applied in the treatment of cerebral aneurysms. The patient should be tested for proper diagnosis after the doctor will determine the most appropriate method of treatment to repair the blood vessel.

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