
Public Speaking - What Do You Do With Your Hands?

Only seven percent of their impact communication has actually said that, while 93 percent comes from the way you look and sound. Consequently, a speaker need dynamic delivery skills. I use the acronym S.P.E.A.K.E.R. to capture the supply of seven key skills of a speaker must master.

Smile Appearance Posture Voice communication kinésica expressive eyes rest areas for hands This article is off. Using intentional gestures when talking - you should! - Then, by definition, you do not make a move all the time. So what to do with your hands? If you keep things on hand for not tempted to play with them and be a distraction, so what to do with your hands when you can not keep anything for security? His hands carry a lot about how comfortable and confident you appear. How do you keep when they are "at rest" can be called places of rest.

Places of rest to avoid Before describing the most powerful and safe resting places that you can use, let those who are less effective. The resting places are closed or defensive or arrogant or search evils - not the kind of message you want to send to your audience.

1. hands in pockets.

2. idly.

3. Hands on hips.

4. The clutch arm.

5. The fig leaf. It is when the hands are clasped lightly in front of the groin area. Although the fig leaf is a respectful posture is also deference: the power is deferred to you. As a speaker, he does not want to postpone this power. You want to own and project. Thus, the fig leaf is not a good option to achieve it .read kinesics definition , - Seven Secrets of Dynamic Delivery
Effective resting places if you want to appear confident and at ease when you are presenting the following positions creates the most effective home bases.

1. arms at your sides. Let your arms hang at your side may be appropriate, but if you feel awkward or uncomfortable, then it's a good bet that's the way you look. So try it and see. If you feel comfortable with you, they will certainly look that way.

2. parade rest. This is where you clasp your hands behind your back. This is a powerful position. From his chin, pull your shoulders back and lift the chest. However, a caveat: Because it looks good and is comfortable, the tendency is to block and never leave him. This is your kinésica his determined movement. So my recommendation is to rest parade for when you are not speaking. During the Q & A session remains parade makes a great listening attitude.

3. arm. This position requires you to bend your right angle bends and loosely placed his hands in front of your solar plexus. The 90 degree angle is the key, because if it is larger, low hands and becomes a fig leaf. If it is tight, raises his hands, which can look like you pray, do not look sure that you want. What is the key to how their hands are joined in this position is that they are relaxed, not tense. Examples: interlace their fingers, cup a hand around the other, Steeple their fingertips, place one hand over the other. Holding the arm in the right corner, which carries energy. But put their hands in a relaxed atmosphere - not tight - Yes, you seem confident and comfortable.

4. An arm. Image of the last "arms" base of operations and stall now his arm to his side, keeping the other in position 90 degrees. The arm should touch the hand loosely closed. If you have been around at a party with drink in one hand, which is the same type of positioning. For a subtle variation of this you can put your hand in your pocket fell. As with both arms up, arms to balance the energy and power with ease and relaxation, a powerful combination of a speaker for the project.

If you can combine open positions, relaxed and energy, his view of a serene and confident speaker cement.

Barbara Busey, president of the training firm Presentation Dynamics, has been a professional speaker, trainer and author since 1990. She has training and talking on the "dynamics" of how people "present" themselves, is the book author, "Stand Out standing" and is the creator of The President of force, a training program unique presentation skills combining audio CD teaching in advance with an ultra participative workshop hands on. She now offers convincing President certification, a turnkey system - with a content and technical training, business strategies, and marketing guidelines - which puts communication professionals to make a living other professional training to become the most compelling speakers. Go to convince certification speaker for your video, hear sounds, and learn when the next training certificate.   

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